
February 19: HOPE Transition & Implementation

The objective of this roundtable is to compare notes on HOPE implementation and identify opportunities for additional knowledge-sharing among the group. We invite all interested parties to weigh in on the impact to their specific role and ask that you come prepared to share in-progress solutions related to your areas of concern.

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March 4 - Personal Care Workgroup: Data Driving Differentiation

Executive Advisor Hank Ross will facilitate a conversation around start-up and reimbursement considerations for home-based primary care (HBPC) for a clear understanding on the likelihood of your company being successful with this business line.

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March 19: Selling the Hospice Value Proposition

Executive Advisor Hank Ross will facilitate a conversation around start-up and reimbursement considerations for home-based primary care (HBPC) for a clear understanding on the likelihood of your company being successful with this business line.

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