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April 24 - Roundtable: The Cybersecurity Imperative

While cyber-breaches are damaging to brands, they are not just threats to individual entities. Breaches create a sense of customer mistrust that can cascade beyond the individual brand affected. We'll talk this through initially, with an eye towards developing a more comprehensive playbook to share among the group, covering:

  1. Who's ultimately responsible for your cybersecurity? Where does the buck stop?

  2. What is the right level of awareness about cybersecurity across ALL stakeholders in our businesses?

  3. Where and how are we most at risk in the home-based care enterprise?

  4. How do you estimate the potential loss on a particular cyber-event, and how should you be insured?

  5. What constitutes an effective business continuity/resumption plan?

This is a roundtable format with a cameras-on expectation. We invite all titles and types of businesses to participate.


Event Details

Date: Wednesday, April 24
Time: 4:00 - 4:45 PM ET
Location: Zoom