March 28 - Solution Exploration: Application of VoiceAI to Home Care

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, March 28
Time: 4:00 - 4:30 PM ET
Location: Virtual Meeting
Amplifying clinical and non-clinical workers is now our top priority. The days of volume, as measured in visits and hours, are being replaced by the value days, as measured in productivity and effectiveness.
During this solution exploration, you'll hear from ybot, a VoiceAI solution aimed at enabling the "superclinician" of the future. The goal of this exploration will be to determine where and how VoiceAI has a place in the home care workflow.
A quick presentation will be followed by brainstorming around VoiceAI's potential in our space.
Email Dorothy Michalowski to participate.
Tomer Garzberg, Co-Founder/CEO, ybot
Charlie Stuard, SVP Sales, ybot