
Lincoln Intelligence Group

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State of SNFs

May 23, 2024 Lincoln Intelligence Group

As Institutional post-acute care rebounds post pandemic, big changes are afoot in skilled nursing facilities. This state-of-the-sector report will outline

Implications of Rising Acuity in Senior Living

May 16, 2024 Lincoln Intelligence Group

Home care and senior living (IL, AL, Memory Care) co-exist in a fluid marketplace with considerable interplay depending on the economic cycle.

Onboarding a New Generation of Clinicians

December 13, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

Attracting new clinicians to home-based care represents a significant risk/reward opportunity in our struggle to ensure clinical capacity.

Three Keys to Reducing Turnover during Orientation and Onboarding

November 3, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

The true cost of clinical turnover is estimated to be $57,000. During our October 24, 2023 Discussion Group, we considered strategies for reducing turnover during orientation and onboarding, which is when the highest rate of churn exists. While the greatest risk is during the first 90 days, a high rate of churn continues throughout onboarding.

Innovation Briefing: Embracing International Newcomers as New Entrants to our Workforce

October 27, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

It's very possible that all or most of the net new caregivers entering our field in the next decade will need to be international (foreign-born) newcomers.  While hiring foreign-born workers is a staple of the home care industry, hiring asylees and refugees is certainly not common practice. Based on our research, companies that successfully tap into this specific population share a four-part playbook, which we will share during this 10-minute briefing.

Embracing International Newcomers as New Entrants to Our Workforce

October 13, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

It's very possible that all or most of the net new caregivers entering our field in the next decade will need to be international (foreign-born) newcomers. While hiring foreign-born workers is a staple of the home care industry, hiring asylees and refugees is certainly not common practice. However, the population of asylees and refugees is relatively accessible compared with other programs that carry the both the paperwork and political stigma of "visa" or "immigration" programs.

Accessing the Foreign-Born Workforce

September 21, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

A fully employed and steadily growing US economy implies that our workforce challenges will continue unabated without an increase in the supply of labor that is on par with the ever-increasing demand

From the CHRO Roundtable: Go Upstream in the Hiring Lifecycle

April 13, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

Bringing new entrants into the home care field is perhaps our number one challenge. On our quarterly CHRO roundtable, we discussed three ways of getting upstream from standard recruiting venues and inserting our brands earlier in the cycle.

Executive MBA - Cultural Flexibility

March 7, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

An insightful and inspiring dialogue with Cali Williams Yost, the world’s leading authority on high performance flexibility. Yost is the Founder and CEO of the Flex+Strategy Group, a solutions company helping organizations unlock performance and engagement by reimagining how, when and where work is done.

To Amplify Your Workforce Productivity: Think Flexibly

March 1, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

Our recent conversation with Cali Williams Yost about creating “a new context for how, when and where work can be done” revealed implications far beyond Cali’s base message that flexible workplaces promote better performance and well-being. The bigger concept is strategic workforce flexibility, and it transcends the accommodations put into place during COVID. Flexibility could be the big, new lever we’ve all been searching for in the quest to improve recruiting and retention and Amplify productivity. And flexible thinking doesn’t only apply to scheduling and virtual work – it can apply to the entire clinical and non-clinical caregiving value stream.

Three Cs of Workforce Enthusiasm: Caring, Connection, and Core

February 16, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

Our February 8 discussion about developing “raving fans” within your workforce yielded a compact, three-part framework to help us go beyond the goal of engagement and elevate our aim toward full-blown enthusiasm: 1. Caring – We need to genuinely care about the people who care for our clients and patients. 2. Connection – Staying in touch with employees requires equal parts technology and humanity. 3. Core – Moving forward doesn’t have to be all about shiny objects; don’t forget your core values and initiatives.

Home Care Should Work Cooperatively on the Workforce Crisis

January 20, 2023 Lincoln Intelligence Group

The workforce issue is not simply a crisis that affects seniors and their families who need access to services.

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